Our new media center (after some blue smoke on the TV side and resulting that the TV doesn’t send any information over the HDMI i²c-bus) is a RaspberryPi 2 with a [pHAT DAC] running [OSMC].

It is a little bit different than the [guide] on the Pimonori side and also the ones from the [HifiBerry]site [2](same chip on HifiBerryDAC) itself didn’t work.

So here is what I did by using all aforementioned guides:
sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Uncomment the dtoverlay=lirc-rpi:gpio_out_pin=17,gpio_in_pin=18' and add dtoverlay=hifiberry-dac.

Uncomment and change dtparam=audio=on.

Download the correct device tree overlay to  /boot/overlays/ from [ osmc-forum ] (it seems the overlay is broken).
Then reboot with sudo reboot

Within Settings > System > Audio output > Audio output device select ALSA: Default (snd_rpi_dac Analog) and you should hear the acquainted clicking noise.

One remark: This is what I did to get working audio output, not sure if it is the most simple way, but hey it works.


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